Über mich2022-10-24T12:57:20+01:00

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Über mich

Über mich

Prof. Dr. med.

Axel Richter

  • 35 Jahre Chirurgie
  • 20 Jahre Chefarzt
  • 10 Jahre Ärztlicher Direktor
  • 6 Jahre Krankenhaus Management
  • 20 Jahre Sachverständiger Gutachter für Gerichte und Staatsanwaltschaften bundesweit tätig.
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Medizinische Gutachten

Sachverständige Gutachter sind unabhängig in der Beurteilung von Krankheitsverläufen, ob Behandlungsfehler vorliegen.

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Alle Beiträge

Deputy Minister of Georgia meets with German health experts to strengthen cooperation in healthcare

17. April 2023|

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer inmen and the second in women worldwide. Between oneand two million cases are diagnosed every year [1].Furthermore, it is also one of the leading causes for cancer-related deaths worldwide alongside lung cancer and breastcancer [2, 3]. In Germany, the 5-year-prevalence for CRC(ICD-10, C18-21) was 116,000 among men and 98,000among women in 2013 [4]

German oncology certification system for colorectal cancer

24. April 2021|

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer inmen and the second in women worldwide. Between oneand two million cases are diagnosed every year [1].Furthermore, it is also one of the leading causes for cancer-related deaths worldwide alongside lung cancer and breastcancer [2, 3]. In Germany, the 5-year-prevalence for CRC(ICD-10, C18-21) was 116,000 among men and 98,000among women in 2013 [4]


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